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massage, chiropractic, back, hands, back pain, neck pain
Our Services


The Enhance Chiropractic team have significant clinical experience in a broad range of care, with a special interest in Sports Chiropractic.  Our  team regular head up medical teams at international sporting events and are recognised in their profession as leaders and innovators.  More importantly, they understand how to diagnose client problems and have the skill and experience to identify the best treatment type for your particular concern. Click here to learn more about chiropractic @ Enhance


Massage & Soft Tissue Therapy

At Enhance, we want to get our hands on you!  Our soft tissue therapists are experts in working through the nooks and cranny's of your muscles and soft tissue areas, working to identify and deliver the right treatment type to get them relaxed and moving again.  They can help you with specific injuries, assist with recovery, maintaining mobility whilst you train for that big event, and provide insurance accredited remedial massage treatments. Click here to learn about some of the treatment types utilised at Enhance



Let's get straight to the point, there is a lot more about acupuncture than putting needles in people.  Acupuncture is used for pain relief as well as a wide range of conditions such as hay fever, fertility and menopausal symptoms and appetite issues.  Shauna Haipola is our vastly experienced and energetic Acupuncturist providing treatments at Enhance.  Click here to learn more about treatments and Shauna's areas of speciality



Running Analysis and Workshops

Enhance practitioners utilise cutting edge technology in a clinic setting to review your running technique to see how your body responds to different paces, and look for clues about injury and performance.  From here we can provide advice on how to strengthen weak spots and minimise future problems.  Enhance Running workshops are practical group based sessions that teach the key points of good running technique which in turn makes running easier with less stress to your body.  Click here for more information on Enhance Running programs.  

Call us today on 02 6241 6060

Fax: 02 6253 9549

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